How do I rotate an image in a layout?
- Select one of the images you’d like to rotate in your collage.
- Tap the pencil icon in the lower right corner of the image (inside the frame) to open the Image Editor.
- The image editor will open. Next, tap the Rotate tool from the toolbar below the image. Note: You may need to scroll.
- Select one of the rotation directions. Click Apply to return to the photo editor.
- Click Done to close the Image Editor and return to your collage.
How do I pan and zoom the images in my collage?
Within a Frame
- Pan - Use your finger to tap and drag the photo around, inside the frame.
- Zoom Out - Tap the photo with two fingers apart, drawing your fingers together in a pinch to zoom out.
- Zoom In - Tap the photo with two fingers together and reverse the pinch to zoom in.
Why does the photo editor open every time I select an image?
Pic Stitch can be set to open the photo editor after choosing each photo. You can turn this feature on or off in Settings.
- From the frame selection screen, tap the Gear Icon for Settings at the top-left corner of the page.
- In the Image Settings section, check or uncheck the box labeled Launch Photo Editor
How do I change the aspect ratio of my collage?
- With your collage open, tap the icon labeled Aspect at the bottom of the screen.
- Choose the desired aspect ratio from the list.
NOTE: You may need to scroll left or right to see all available options.
How do I change the layout I chose for my collage?
- With your collage open, tap the icon labeled Layouts at the bottom of the screen.
- Choose from one of the layouts in the list.
NOTE: You may need to scroll left or right to see all available options.
How do I adjust the size of the panels in my layout?
- With the collage open, tap the Resize icon at the bottom of the screen on the right side.
- Tap and drag the white lines between the panels to adjust their size.
- The icons indicate which direction the lines can move.